Nerdy Girl Success Hosts Summer Business Camp With Emphasis on Business
Summer Business Camp created to inspire and educate 8th and 9th grade girls about the world of business
Summer Business Camp, under the direction of Nerdy Girl Success, is slated to be held on Monday, June 18 to Friday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at TechSpace at 2101 CityWest Blvd. The fee is $100 per student and includes t-shirt, lunch, snacks, and materials. Camp is limited to 10 students. Deadline to register is JUNE 9TH. Register at https://nerdygirlsuccess.com/camp.
The goal of the summer camp is to expose 8th & 9th grade girls to the opportunities that the business world holds as well as the processes involved with running a business.
Through this one-week experience, the girls will:
-Explore their talents with other like-minded girls.
-Flex their leadership muscles.
-Gain business and entrepreneurial skills.
-Learn from women leaders.
-Participate in giving back to their community. All monies earned will go to a charity that the girls select. Last year, our camp last year was able to donate $585 to The Pink Giraffe House.
Last year’s camp was an incredible success.
“I started the Camp to give teen girls an opportunity to learn about business from women executives,” said Christina Meade, Nerdy Girl Success Founder. “What transpired was beyond what I could’ve hoped for. Not only are they seeing women who are at the top levels of business, they are working on their leadership skills and gaining self-confidence while getting to experience different career/business opportunities.”
Here’s what this year’s participants will be doing.
Camp Outline
Day 1: Laying the groundwork. What is the business and what sets us apart? Who is your customer and who is the competition? What are our budgets?
Day 2: Behind the scenes operations. Graphics and crafting our message and sales pitch. Lindsy Bivens of The Author’s Pen (www.tapwriting.com) will be helping the girls craft their messages for their ads as well as their sales pitch.
Day 3: Advertising and Marketing. What’s the difference and what do you have to consider for each? Rebecca Council of Rebecca Council Digital Media Services will be teaching the girls about social media marketing and advertising.
Day 4: It’s all about the money! As Marcus Lemonis says, “If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business.” We’ll be determining our pricing, expenses, operational costs, breakeven points, and more. Terra Fontenot-Beard of Fontenot & Associates (www.fontenotsolutionsblog.com) will be teaching the girls the numbers of business.
Day 5: Show time! The girls will run their business and assess how they did. 100% of the money made is donated to charity the girls select.
About Christina Meade – Nerdy Girl Success™ Founder: Mead spent 16 years in education as a teacher, trainer and curriculum writer. The limiting beliefs of others can have a huge impact on what we believe about our own abilities. All it takes is one person believing in you and saying “you can do it. My mission is to bring that encouragement to women and girls by helping them develop into strong leaders and businesswomen.
photos courtesy of Nerdy Girl Success