Earth Day Events Will Be Celebrated Throughout Greater Houston Area on April 21st
Trees For Houston Kicks-Off Earth Day Weekend
Several community events and giveaways in Greater Houston Area planned
Tree lovers mark your calendars for a weekend of community events and giveaways! Non-profit organization, Trees For Houston, will be kicking off Earth Day weekend by participating in the following events and giveaways on Saturday.
Saturday, April 21
Houston Zoo, Party for the Planet presented by Center Point
9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Event activities included with paid Zoo admission
Trees For Houston will be giving away 3,500 seedling trees for visitors to take home. Additional interactive activities hosted by the Houston Zoo will include crafts, scavenger hunts, a ladybug release and more.
Earth Day Bash hosted by the Children’s Museum of Houston
10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Event activities included with paid admission
Trees for Houston will be giving away 300 seedling trees for visitors to take home. Additional activities hosted by the Children’s Museum will include gardening activities, crafts and more.
Picnic in the Park hosted by Evelyn’s Park Conservancy
11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Free
Trees for Houston will be giving away 100, seedling trees for visitors to take home. Additional activities hosted by Evelyn Park will include culinary events, a farmers market, wine and beer tasting and more.
Trees For Houston partners with schools, organizations and corporations to provide free or low-cost trees. Since their inception Trees For Houston has planted over half a million trees and on average donates 20,000 trees per year, including irrigation and installation. Trees For Houston also host several volunteer events throughout the year where the community is invited to participate in tree plantings in a park or school that is in need of trees. Each tree planting allows individuals to be a part of Trees For Houston mission and leave a multi generation legacy that will impact thousands of Houstonians.
photo credit: Trees for Houston