Moody Gardens Hosts “One Earth, One Choice” Activities for Earth Day
Events Highlight Rainforest 25th Anniversary, Penguins, Keeper Chats, Yoga and More April 18-21
Guests will learn more about their planet, and come away with a better understanding of what everyone can do to better protect it, with a host of events starting Wednesday, April 18 through Saturday, April 21.
Earth Day comes at a perfect time as the Rainforest and Aquarium at Moody Gardens is celebrating its reaccreditation by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums.
To be accredited, Moody Gardens underwent a thorough review to make certain it has and will continue to meet ever-rising standards in categories which include animal care and welfare, veterinary programs, conservation, education and safety.
April 18 begins with a celebration to mark the 20th birthdays of the first King penguins that called the Aquarium Pyramid home. At 10 a.m. penguin mascot King Tux will lead a parade into the aquarium, followed by a Happy Birthday Sing-along outside the South Atlantic Exhibit. The penguins will receive a special birthday cake while guests enjoy cake of their own. Social media posts throughout the day will highlight special penguin memories.
Thursday, April 19 kicks off a year of celebration for the Rainforest Pyramid 25th Anniversary. Festivities begin with a parade into the Pyramid followed by a Ceremonial Tree Planting and Tribute to the Animals of the Rainforest. There will be a miracle fruit presentation in the Visitor Center. Guests will be able to sample this unique African Rainforest berry that temporarily alters the taste buds causing all food that is subsequently eaten to taste sweet. Moody Gardens’ social media will also feature Rainforest Throwback Thursday with 25 years of memories shared throughout the day.
In conjunction with Galveston’s Featherfest activities, April 20 features a free Audubon Society presentation and the film “The Lost Bird Project” from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the MG 3D Theater. This film features artist Todd McGrain’s creation of bronze sculptures of five extinct bird species, including the Eskimo Kurlu last seen on 11 Mile Road in Galveston. Guests can enjoy a buffet dinner from 4-7 p.m. at the Garden Restaurant for $16.95 for adults, $13.95 for seniors and $7.95 for children ages 5-12.
Saturday begins with a free yoga class at 8 a.m. in the Butterfly Garden. The kids can enjoy a free showing of “The Lorax” at 8 a.m. in the 4D Special FX Theater. “Amazon Adventure 3D” will also be showing throughout the day in the MG 3D Theater.
Moody Gardens invites the public to join staff and volunteers in an earth-conscious wetlands cleanup effort at 9:30 a.m. along Offats Bayou. The group will depart from the Tram Stop located in the West Parking Lot.
Free “One Earth, One, Choice” Earth Day events are planned for April 21 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. across the Moody Gardens property.
The Moody Gardens “ZOOpermart” will be open inside the Rainforest Pyramid allowing guests to learn about palm oil and how environmentally friendly their food is. Visit the Earth Day Expo and discover more about Master Naturalists, Master Gardeners, diving and the Turtle Island Restoration Network. Craft tables will also be set up for kids to make free Flower Pot Toad Abodes. Keeper chats throughout the day will also highlight a variety of animals.
“Education and conservation are vitally important aspects of our mission here at Moody Gardens. These events bring awareness to what we can do to make this a better planet, not only for us, but for the animals and plants that we share it with,” Moody Gardens President and CEO John Zendt said.
Moody Gardens will offer an Earth Day Special Value Pass for $59.95 for adults and $49.95 for seniors and children ages 4-12 on April 21. This pass will be available for purchase both online and at the ticket counter for admission to all Moody Gardens attractions. For a complete event schedule, visit www.moodygardens.org/earthday.