10th Anniversary Annual FARE Walk for Food Allergy comes to Minute Maid Park
Food allergies are no joke and getting information is the best tool in battling them.
Join the 10th Anniversary Annual FARE Walk for Food Allergy on Saturday, October 31, 2015 at Minute Maid Park to get the latest on what’s going in the food allergy community and support FARE at the same time.
The FARE Walk for Food Allergy’s goal is to raise critical funds and awareness creating a safer, more inclusive world for the 15 million Americans with food allergies. This year, thousands of people will gather at walks in nearly 60 communities nationwide for this cause.
The FARE Walk for Food Allergy offers fun activities for the entire family while helping to advance food allergy research, education, advocacy and awareness initiatives. Registration is available at http://www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1134010.
New this year is the Teal Pumpkin Project, www.tealpumpkinproject.org, which helps designate food allergy safe trick or treat houses for families on Halloween. The Teal Pumpkin Project began in 2014 as a simple, festive way to alert food allergy families to safer choices for the holiday.
FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) is the nation’s leading organization working on behalf of the 15 million Americans with food allergy including all those at risk for life-threatening anaphylaxis. Their mission is to find a cure for food allergies as well as keeping individuals with food allergies safe and included.
Being prepared and protecting your family is easy to do with the assistance and support of the Houston Food Allergy Network Support Group, established in June 2014 by Danielle Williams and Cynthia Garza.
The two mothers who have children at St. Theresa’s Catholic School, began the HFAN group after learning both their sons had food allergies. Both also submit to the blog, http://houstonfoodallergynetwork.blogspot.com, sharing their experiences from new food products, suggestions and more.
HFAN’s mission is to provide support to families dealing with the daily challenges of managing food allergies, to raise community awareness and to advocate for change.
Being part of the Annual FARE Walk for Food Allergy is also part of their involvement in the community.
“We’re raising money to support the cause,” said Williams. “It’s a grass roots effort and is the largest in the country. There’s a new route, and it’s very kid friendly. The kids know they’re not alone. It’s a great way to network and build contacts.”
After the FARE Walk, Williams said their group at St. Theresa’s Catholic School is open to everyone. Dates and times are listed on their blog.
“There’s a great feeling knowing you’re not alone. I find it very fulfilling. We talk about what’s new in food allergies, products and events,” Williams added.
For more information on FARE, go to www.foodallergy.org.