Houston PetSet Shares FOR THE ANIMALS Movie and Joins Animal Welfare Awareness Billboard Campaign
Houston City Council Member Karla Cisneros, Houston PetSet, and Clear Channel Outdoor Launch Animal Welfare Awareness Billboard Campaign Throughout Harris County
Houston PetSet, the local nonprofit organization dedicated to ending Houston’s homeless animal crisis, is partnering with the City of Houston and Clear Channel Outdoor to raise awareness of the animal welfare crisis, and the powerful solutions that benefit all of our communities.

Messages that raise awareness about the issues of Spay and Neuter, Adoption and Animal Cruelty will be displayed on area Clear Channel Outdoor billboards including traditional boards and digital units to highlight the collaborative partnership between the City of Houston and Houston PetSet.

In addition, the film, For the Animals: A Dogumentary showcases the catastrophic numbers of stray dogs roaming the streets of Houston as twin activists and philanthropists Tena Lundquist Faust and Tama Lundquist lead the charge and take matters into their own hands to save the animals they love. As more and more strays plague the city causing a public health crisis and attacking its residents, the sisters take to the streets for a hands-on approach.

The film streams on Apple TV and Amazon Prime and will be showing in select theatres in Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Austin, and Minneapolis. Visit www.imdb.com/title/tt21275472/ for more information.

Houston is currently facing a homeless animal crisis – shelters and rescues are at capacity, with fewer residents than ever choosing to adopt. At BARC, the City of Houston’s municipal shelter, fewer than 25% of the pets who have come in over the last several months left via adoption.

“While Houston has done much to address the animal welfare crisis, we can do more. Houston spends less per capita on animal control than any other major city – which results in underfunded city services, making the problem worse with each passing year,” said Council Member Karla Cisneros. “The City of Houston and Houston PetSet agree that providing accessible spay and neuter services to city residents is the best way to provide tangible results that can address the crisis.”
“This is a crisis we face together. It impacts the quality of life, public health, and public safety of animals and people. Animals on the street suffer greatly; they face hunger, fear, and agitation, and eventually become a risk to people. The number of animals on our streets and in shelters is at an all-time high, which is why the work we do, and the attention to animal welfare are so critical,” said Tena Lundquist Faust, Co-President, of Houston PetSet.
“This billboard campaign will be a huge step forward to solving the crisis we all share,” said Tama Lundquist, Co-President, of Houston PetSet. “We look forward to working with all of our partners in the animal welfare community, members of Houston City Council and citizens across the City of Houston to help solve this problem we all know is solvable to create a better life for the animals and for the citizens of our great city to help our communities thrive.”
“Clear Channel Outdoor is committed to serving the communities in which we operate. Animal welfare is a most important issue for our region not only for the health and safety of our pets and animals, but for the welfare of residents as well. This billboard campaign will reach all segments of our community with these very important messages and will generate over 20 million market impressions,” Lee Vela, vice president, Public Affairs, Houston Division, said.
Animal Rescue movie photo & billboard photos courtesy of Houston PetSet; Photo credit: V. Sweeten