Author, Percy Kennedy with S.P.I.R.I.T. Shares Insight on National Single Parents Day, March 21, 2021 with Book, Voices of the Fatherless
Voices of the Fatherless, chronicles the stories and communications from incarcerated fathers
Voices of the Fatherless will host a welcome home celebration for the fathers who graduated from the InsideOut Dad and The World Needs a Father training programs at the Wallace Pack Unit on March 21 at WoodsEdge Community Church in Spring

Percy L. Kennedy began volunteering at prisons as a passion to give back, and what has evolved has become an outreach between incarcerated fathers and their children that is lifechanging for all involved.

On National Single Parents Day on March 21, 2021, Kennedy hopes to raise awareness of the impact that an absent parent has on both the family and the parent in his book, Voices of the Fatherless: Letters from incarcerated dads aimed at breaking the prison pipeline.

Kennedy’s organization, S.P.I.R.I.T. is a family mentoring program making it a unique initiative. This has been Kennedy’s passion and purpose he said. He has trained with the National Father Initiative to do this work.
From this outreach, the book is getting noticed for the honesty and message it’s sending to those who have read it. The eBook and paperback are currently sold on Amazon.
“I worked with the guys in the PAC unit to write letters on the fatherless effect. We talked about what the word ‘father’ meant to you. I took those letters to communicate how they felt. In 2016, I started the process to get the letters in their words out, and there were 16. Now, there’s a total of 60. It’s an ongoing process,” Kennedy said.
Voices of the Fatherless introduces readers to gripping stories from these incarcerated fathers, some who were fatherless themselves. The letters touch on education, expressing emotions, respecting authority, friendships, and faith.

The goal of the book is to inspire, motivate and encourage the issues that exists as a result of fatherless families and households in America. The book is aimed at not only exploring the problem, but also working to find a solution.
Kennedy, who recently started working with the Depelchin Children’s Center, Head Start and Big Brothers, Big Sisters, himself became a single parent while attending Lamar University in Texas.
When Kennedy heard a message by Derek Prince on loving your neighbor as yourself, it ignited his passion for serving. Taking a cue from his own personal experiences with insight and wisdom, Kennedy believes S.P.I.R.I.T. is more than a cause; it’s a call to the fatherless in our nation and around the world. He’s currently an active member at Woodsedge Community Church located in Spring, TX.

“My goal is to have a conversation. It’s remarkable to be able to see the responses from Dads. I’m not the true author, but able to give a voice to these men who weren’t able to express their feelings.”
For more information on S.P.I.R.I.T., go to www.spiritfamily.org/. The book is available on Amazon at www.amazon.com/Voices-Fatherless-incarcerated-breaking-pipeline/dp/1098302435.