Houston Ranked #32 in 100 Best Cities in the World
Houston is the highest ranking Texas city on the list

“Smart, skilled and soulful, Houston is the American city of the future.” That is the description of Houston by Resonance Consultancy, a strategic business marketing, development and research company, which recently released its 2020 World’s Best Cities Ranking.
The World’s Best Cities Ranking is based on original methodology and is considered to be the most comprehensive ranking system that exists because it uses the opinions of the people whose views matter most: visitors, investors, talent and residents.

The program was developed to measure the relative quality of place, reputation and competitive identity for the world’s principal cities with metropolitan populations of one million or more.
Bloomberg calls Resonance Consultancy’s Best Cities ranking, “the most comprehensive study of its kind; it identifies cities that are most desirable for locals, visitors, and business people alike, rather than simply looking at livability or tourism appeal.”
The ranking analyzes and compares 24 factors in six key categories using a combination of core statistics and online ratings and reviews, from TripAdvisor reviews, Facebook check-ins, Google searches and Google Trends. This helps cities understand their strengths and weaknesses through the lens of the people who visit and live in each city.

Also worth mentioning, Houston placed number 11 on Resonance Consultancy’s 2019 list of America’s Best Large Cities.
Houston First is proud of city’s accomplishments in the past 24 months. Once the numbers have been verified for 2019, Houston is on target to exceed 2018’s record 22.3 million visits to the city in 2018 and set a new record for meetings and conventions with more than 800-thousand room nights booked in 2018. For more details of our successes go here.
Photo credit: V. Sweeten