Houston Food Bank Gears Up for Hunger Action Month
September is Hunger Action Month!
Month of special events and promotions encourages Houstonians to help in fight against hunger
On any given day, 1.1 million people in southeast Texas are food insecure, meaning they cannot afford enough nutritious food to fuel a regularly healthy lifestyle. Through its network of more than 1,500 community partners, the Houston Food Bank leads the fight against hunger by providing food assistance across its 18-county coverage area in southeast Texas.
But the food bank doesn’t do it alone – they rely on the help and action of others to complete their mission. To bring awareness to the important issue of hunger, the Houston Food Bank and hunger relief agencies across the country have designated September as Hunger Action Month. Thursday, September 12 is the official Hunger Action Day.

“Everyone can play a role in the fight against hunger – advocate, educate, volunteer or donate – all year round and especially during Hunger Action Month,” says Brian Greene, president/CEO of Houston Food Bank. “The word ‘action’ drives home the important message that people can make a difference by advocating or giving time and energy, sharing information on social media or donating food and funds to help neighbors in need.” Special activities and events the Houston Food Bank has planned for Hunger Action Month are:
- Houston City Hall will be colored orange – September 8-10
The official color of hunger relief is orange, and in support of Hunger Action Month and Houston Food Bank’s efforts, City of Houston will illuminate our City Hall building in orange September 8-10. Stop by and take a “selfie” to post to social media, with hashtag #hungeractionmonth!
- 2019 Child Hunger Conference – September 4
School program coordinators who participate in our programs, such as Backpack Buddy, Teacher’s Aid and School Market, will convene for a day of education on big topics that impact food insecurity and poverty, learn about trauma-informed care, and participate in break-out sessions to strengthen community collaboration and leverage partnerships to meet students where they are and get them to where they want to go. (Not open to general public.)
- Sysco Corporation will be volunteering at multiple sites throughout Hunger Action Month. Sysco volunteers will be helping with mobile pantry distributions, Senior Box Program distributions, and working in our warehouse and Keegan Kitchen. This month-long effort is one of the company’s largest coordinated volunteer campaigns, and will draw nearly 1,000 associate volunteers from its various Houston company locations to participate in 27 volunteer events with local non-profits focused on getting nutritious food where it’s needed.

- Chevron Humankind Campaign – September 9 through November 2
Chevron offers U.S. employees and retirees company-sponsored volunteer opportunities and company match donations of volunteer time or money, up to $10,000 per employee and $3,000 per retiree annually. During Chevron’s Humankind campaign, Chevron employees will donate time to the Houston Food Bank and help lead the fight against hunger.
- Hunger Game Competition – Monday, September 9 to Friday, September 27
Houston Food Bank’s Hunger Game is a three week-long competition in which groups of all sizes compete against each other to fight hunger in our community. Groups compete to raise the most meals by donating time, food, and funds. The Hunger Game competition will be from September 9, 2019 to September 27, 2019. There will be two awards: The Overall Award will recognize the group who generates the most meals, and the Per Capita Award will recognize the group who generates the most meals per group member.
- Noble Energy Global Day of Caring Volunteer Shift – September 10, 8am-12pm
Noble Energy employees will bring 175 volunteers to the Houston Food Bank. In the past two years that Noble Energy has been holding this event at the Food Bank, 405 volunteers have participated with at total of 1,390 hours.
- 9/11 Week of Service and Remembrance at the Houston Food Bank – 8am-12pm
Each year, Points of Light commemorates 9/11 National Day of Service as part of an ongoing campaign to engage people in signature events that inspire, equip and mobilize volunteers to give back to their communities. HFB expects 1000 volunteers on this day.
- University of Houston, Bauer College Alumni Association National Day of Service, September 14, 2019. Bringing 1000 volunteers to the Houston Food Bank to volunteer in honor of the people who died during the 9/11 attack.
- Feeding Texas Hunger Leadership Award – September 19
Feeding Texas will present its Hunger Leadership Award to an outstanding Houston policy maker who championed bills that would improve access to food in times of disaster during the 86th Legislative Session.
- Houston Astros Volunteer Shift – September 21, 8am – 12pm
Sixty-five Astros fans are scheduled to volunteer at the Houston Food Bank this month. In the past year, the Astros Foundation Volunteer Corps has provided the equivalent of over 170,000 meals.
- #Helpie Social Media Campaign
Speaking of selfies and social media, don’t forget to snap and post your #helpie during Hunger Action Month! What’s a #helpie? It’s a selfie snapped while volunteering and helping others and posted on social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Posting a #Helpie will help shine alight – even if for a moment – on everyday people who make a huge difference in our organization and our community. HFB cannot express how important volunteers are to the organization’s mission to feed the hungry – they provide approximately 9,800 hours of service to our organization each week!
- Be an Advocate for Hunger!
Food Bank friends can help by communicating with their elected officials on issues related to hunger relief. Watch the “Advocacy” section on houstonfoodbank.org for specific calls to action. Within this section on our website, those passionate about policy change can find information on hunger and poverty related legislation, and how they can contact their elected officials. How else can the public help?
- “Like” Houston Food Bank on Facebook and follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HoustonFoodBank, to get ongoing information on events, promotions and announcements.
- Update Facebook status to share a hunger fact with friends and colleagues to raise awareness.
- Volunteer at Houston Food Bank or one of its member agencies.
- Make a donation! For every $1 donated to Houston Food Bank, they can provide a person with a full day of meals!
For more information on Houston Food Bank and Hunger Action Month, visit houstonfoodbank.org or call 713-223-3700.
photos: Houston Food Bank