Women in Industry Conference Set for January 30th at Moody Gardens Convention Center
Learn about high-paying careers at event
This Women in Industry Conference, set for Jan. 30, will include representatives from top national oil and gas companies and will offer attendees the chance to learn about career opportunities with these major employers.

The conference takes place Wednesday, Jan. 30, at the Moody Gardens Convention Center. The cost to attend is $15 and registration is available at www.WII2019.com.
Companies scheduled to participate include ExxonMobil, Shell, LyondellBasell, Chevron Phillips Chemical, BASF, Freeport LNG, Jacobs and more.
Attendees will learn about petrochemical and industrial trades career fields and hear from women in the industry about specific careers and what it takes to obtain a position in that field. After lunch, which is provided, a panel of HR representatives will discuss how to get hired in these industries.
There will also be discussions about what college financial aid opportunities are available, along with information about classes, degrees and certificates needed to provide a solid base for work in these industries.
Attendees are encouraged to dress business casual and bring their resumes as they will have the opportunity to visit with company representatives.
API, a national trade organization, reports that nearly 1.3 million job opportunities are projected in the oil and gas and petrochemical industries through 2030.
“As companies look to fill these positions, women will play a critical role to meet the demands of the projected growth and expansion,” said Katherine Persson, Ph.D., LSC-Kingwood president. “The 2019 Women in Industry Conference is a great way for women to network and learn more about the exciting opportunities available.”
The 2019 Women in Industry Conference is a great opportunity for women to explore career paths in areas such as the petrochemical industry that they may have never considered added Maribeth Stitt, LSC-Kingwood, dean of Business, Technology, Communications and Languages.
The event is produced by the Community College Petrochemical Initiative, a collaboration of nine Texas Gulf Coast Area Community Colleges to recruit and train the next generation of petrochemical and industrial trades workers for the Houston-Galveston region.
Along with Lone Star College, the group is comprised of Alvin Community College, Brazosport College, College of the Mainland, Galveston College, Houston Community College, Lee College, San Jacinto College and Wharton County Junior College.
To learn more, visit www.LoneStar.edu.
photo courtesy of Lone Star College