Trains Across Texas arrives at Houston Museum of Natural Science
Take your family, take the kids, take your guests from out of town because if you’re Texas proud, you’ll love this display.
It’s a vision of delight, especially for Texas enthusiasts, at the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s TRAINS ACROSS TEXAS display now open for visitors.
Trains Across Texas is the largest indoor train model in Texas and is available to view with general museum admission tickets. This model railroad travels across the entire state of Texas hitting landmarks such as the Fort Worth Stockyard, the Pecos Bridge, Enchanted Rock, Perdenales Falls and more.
Guests can see geologic wonders from oil country salt domes, prairies, wetlands and dinosaur tracks along the way on this scratch built “O” scale model.
Multiple trains crisscross the state visiting these important and unique places in the state’s geology and physiography including The Balcones Escarpment and Big Bend National Park. See major cities such as Galveston, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio along the train tracks.
This exhibit (the size of a tennis court) is the largest indoor “O” scale model railroad in Texas. It took three 53′ trucks to transport the 1300 sq. ft. display.
Trains Across Texas will be on display until February 20, 2017.
For more information, go to www.hmns.org.
photo credit: V. Sweeten