Kaleidoscope Houston 2016 presented diverse talents at premiere event



It was an event designed to showcase the immense talent held within our city, and it did just that.

Kaleidoscope Houston 2016, presented by Pam Andino of Ubertina Productions, delivered art, music, fashion and dance in their three night presentation with a flowing, innovative display of artists, dancers, designers, filmmakers and musicians. IMG_20160128_200352

IMG_20160128_193810Based on three themes, Urbanity, Jet Set and Imaginarium, guests were treated to the height of Houston’s outstanding offerings in a comfortable, enthusiastically creative environment.

pam andino

photo credit: Brandy Gueary

This all-inclusive promotion of Houston’s diverse offerings resulted in an incredible production. Imaginative runways, fresh visions and original music had the crowd heartily engaged.

IMG_20160128_210933508IMGP0020 (3)Fashionable revelations with classic lines were a treat from so many varied designers.

IMGP0003 (3)These wearable fashions, from casual to swimwear and formal lines, were presented by Emilia Nataliccio  Of Myth + Muse, Steve Guthrie,  Natalie Harris-Damsel White Label, Umair Khan-Meru Merus, Damari Rubio-Damari & Co., Shop on Human, Heather Petrey, Lombana by Jessica Lombana, Recio Designs by Tiffany Recio, Swinn, Kooth Brand along with Kim Nguyen and Keosha Jenkins, emerging designers from the Art Institute of Houston.IMG_20160128_200854

Animated and effervescent musicians, deejays and poets kept us on the edge of thought with their efforts. IMGP0013 (2)

Spoken Word Poet, Christopher Polanco, KPFT’s GenerAsian Radio, recording artist, Tobe Nwigne,  roducer/mixing engineer/dj-DJ FXBOXOLMOS, recording artist/YouTuber/Blogger-Stella Marie, recording artist, Tawn Peron and the hip-hop group, The MadMen Crew held our rapt attention with their presentations.

IMG_20160128_205435349Artists and dancers, such as Culturally Yours African Dancer, Son Kiss’d Dance Company and Saturn Hoops, took guests’ breath away with their energy and authentic interpretations.

Artists led the audience to search their own imagination with these creative outlets of paintings, sculpture, jewelry, etchings and pop art.
Kaleidoscope Houston left their audience wanting for more. There’s still plenty to be discovered in a city as diverse and supportive of the incredible talents in our city.  Lucky us!  For more details on Kaleidoscope Houston, go to www.kaleidoscopehouston.com.

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